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How I'm Using Kajabi to Build a Million Dollar Online Business

online business Apr 02, 2021

I started "making money online" in 2016. I put that in quotes because it was just a hobby for me back then.

While I was passionate about the content I was making, I didn't have an intentional plan for it other than a "side hustle" that would hopefully make a little spending money.

But in 2019, something changed for me when I switched to Kajabi. By this point, I was serious about growing a business, but I was lost in a sea of online tools. Kajabi fixed this for me be giving me a platform that had everything I needed for my business, all in one place.

Fast-forward to today and I am now full-time in business as an entrepreneur doing the work I love to do. Not only that, but I am well on my way to a million dollar business (in just a few short years).

Kajabi is THE tool that is making it all possible for me. In this video, I want to show you how I'm using Kajabi to build a million dollar business and seven ways Kajabi is making that journey possible for me!

If you'd like to jump into Kajabi, use my link to try Kajabi FREE and get my exclusive $25,000 Course Launch Email Template:

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