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Don't follow Dave Ramsey's advice if you want to be rich! (Do what he DOES instead)

online business Feb 24, 2021

Dave Ramsey has helped a lot of people, including me.

But, and this is a big BUT, if you want to be wealthy, like Dave Ramsey style $15.4 million home kind of wealthy, then you should NOT do what Dave TEACHES.

Rather, you should simply look at what Dave actually DOES.

He did not build his gargantuan empire by spending less, working more hours and saving every penny.

Instead, he actually did three things and did them REALLY well...

1) Developed an expertise.
2) Built an audience of people interested in learning about it.
3) Monetized the heck out of it with books, courses and events.

This is the exact business model I have (although at a much smaller scale) and it's the exact model I teach.

In this video I'll explain everything.

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