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#005 A Detailed 90-Day Plan to Grow Your Online Business to 6 Figures

Uncategorized Jan 02, 2024
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TSFF #005

A Detailed 90-Day Plan to Grow Your Online Business to 6 Figures

The way you start 2024 could set the tone for the rest of your life.

This is especially true when it comes to your online business.

In the first three months of this year, you could completely build out your website, make a content plan, start growing your email list and launch your first product - and I’m going to help you do all of that!

In this edition of The Six-Figure Fastlane, I’m showing you exactly what to do over the next three months to start and grow your online business.

I’ve used this exact path to grow my business to multiple six-figures and help others start and grow theirs.

To make it simple, I’ve broken it down into one major goal for each month with an action step for each week. If you follow the plan, you’ll see results.

Before we jump into what you’ll be doing for the next three months, be sure to take advantage of Kajabi’s current promotion: Get 3 Months of Kajabi for $99 using my link. Plus you get all my bonuses including a 45 minute video call with me, my Kajabi Accelerator course, and my $25k Course Launch Email Template. I made a video about this promotion if you want to know more.

Now that you have Kajabi, the best all-in-one platform to power your entire online business, let’s dive into the steps.

Month One: Establish the Foundation of your Online Business

In month one, you’ll focus on the crucial steps of laying the foundation for a successful online business. This will including building out a lead-driven website, creating an automated email sequence to engage subscribers, identifying what your audience needs and building out your content plan.

For each action step, I’ve included some links to videos and tutorials I’ve done to help you implement the step.

Month One Action Steps

Week 1: Set up a Lead-Driven Website

Week 2: Create An Automated Email Sequence

Week 3: Identify What Your Audience Needs

  • Ask them specifically what they’re struggling with (related to your content) and what their goals are (related to your content).
  • Lane explains how to do this research technique in this video.

Week 4: Focus on Consistent Content Creation

By the end of month one, you have a solid foundation laid. You have your website built out, a lead-magnet in place, and a constant flow of leads coming in because of your amazing content.

Before we move on to month two, be sure to join the waitlist for my upcoming course, The Six-Figure Online Business Fastlane, which will go in-depth on each of these steps and more! Click here to join the wait list:

Now it’s time to beginning planning and building out your first product - a mini course!

Month TWO: Create Your First Mini Course

Week 1: Lay the groundwork for future course launches

  • Take the research you’ve done and feedback you’ve received from your audience, and begin building the outline for your first course.
  • Use the escape/arrival paradigm asking what you’re helping people escape from (where they’re stuck), where you’re helping them arrive (where they want to go) and what milestones they need to know or do along the way.
  • To dive deeper, check out Lane’s video on how to build a mini course here.

Week 2: Get feedback From Your Best Students

  • Show the outline of your course to a few of your top students - the ones who engage the most with your content - and ask them what’s missing from it and what would make it even more helpful.

Week 3: Record Your Lessons!

Week 4: Put the finishing touches on your course: Bonuses!

  • Consider what could be some helpful, amazing bonuses that will make your course even more of a no-brainer for your audience.
  • Lane has some helpful resources on how to structure your bonuses in this video.
  • By the end of month two, you’ve fully planned, prepped and filmed your first online course! Now it’s time to launch it to your list!

Month Three: Launch and Automate!

Week 1: Launch your mini course

Week 2: Automate the course within your email sequence for continuous sales.

Week 3: Plan for multiple courses and offers in the future.

  • After you launch your first course, you won’t want to stop! Plan out your product suite!
  • Lane has a video about this too! Who would have guessed? 

Week 4: You’ve worked hard! Don’t forget to take a step back and celebrate your wins!

At the end of month three, you’ve launched your mini course, automated your sales process and planned for multiple courses and launches in the future!

You’re all set, but if you want even more guidance, be sure to join the waitlist for my upcoming course, The Six-Figure Online Business Fastlane, which will go in-depth on each of these steps and more! Click here to join the wait list:


Here's two ways I can help you:

#1 Get on the Waitlist for my upcoming course, Six-Figure Online Business Fastlane, a complete, end-to-end system to equip you to start and grow an online business that makes life-changing passive income.

#2 Jumpstart your business on the best all-in-one online business platform there is: Kajabi. Get it free for 30 days with my link plus exclusive bonuses from me. Find out more:

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