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#021 What should you do first? Course or Membership Community?

Uncategorized May 09, 2024

TSFF #021

What should you do first? Course or Membership Community?

In this video, I dive into a question many new online entrepreneurs wrestle with: Should you start with a course or a membership site?

I've done both. I had a membership site for a year over at Preaching Donkey and I've had several courses. I feel strongly that you should always begin with an online course.

I have three reasons that I go in-depth on in this week's video.

No Ongoing Commitment

When you sell an online course, there's no ongoing commitment required. Students purchase the course and go through it at their own pace.

More money upfront

With a course, you're paid upfront for the entire amount. This contrasts with a membership site where revenue accumulates over time.

Better customer journey

I suggest a natural progression for customers: starting with a fixed product (a course) and then moving them into an ongoing commitment (a membership site). 

In the video, I dive into all of this in-depth and give alternative options like cohorts because they have a fixed time-commitment over perpetual ones.  

WATCH: What should you do first? Course or Membership Community?



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