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#003 This is Why You Don't Have the Life You Want

Uncategorized Dec 19, 2023
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TSFF #003
This is Why You Don't Have the Life You Want

There’s nothing keeping you from the life you want, except for you.

Let me explain

If you’re not happy with the life you currently have, you have to define the life you want.

This sounds simple except so many of us don’t have a framework for defining our ideal life because there’s not enough people around us who are actually living the life we want.

The people around us tend to live fairly similar lives to ours so it limits what we believe is possible.

But the good news is, you have the internet.

You can go find someone who has the life you want to live.

At no other time in history have we had such immediate, ubiquitous and often real-time access to high-achieving people in our niches.

But we don’t just have access to information about them - such as a biography of an historical figure. We can often see into their lives, their routines, their priorities, and get a glimpse into exactly what they’re working on at any given time.

When I was first interested in making money online, I spent hundreds of hours on YouTube absorbing everything I could from anyone who was willing to share.

Through trial, error, and sifting out the true experts from the grifters, my exploration made me keenly aware of what kind of life and business was possible for me, how I was going to get it, and the work it would require from me.

In this, the third edition of The Six-Figure Fastlane Newsletter, I want to walk you through a simple process for defining what you want, finding a person to emulate and answering the three most important questions about their life and work.

First, Define the life you want.

So many people skip over this step or the just answer it with something like, “I want to make a million dollars a year.”

The problem with defining it merely in terms of an amount of money is it’s not compelling enough to keep you focused. You need to answer some questions to help you go beyond a dollar amount and discover what it is that you actually want in life. For our purposes, we’ll keep the questions related to online business but you could do this with any area of life:

How much do I want my online business to make?

Why do I want to make that amount of money?

How many days/hours a week do I want to work?

How many weeks/months per year do I want to take off?

What kind of vacations/trips do I want to take?

What do I want to be known for?

Who are the people whose lives improve when my business improves?

What ways do I want to be generous with the money my business makes?

Second, Find someone living the life you want.

If you do the right kind of searching online, you’ll find somebody somewhere who is living the life you want (or close to it).

Some guidelines for determining who is living the life you want:

Look for someone in your space/niche who is further along than you.

Don’t worry if they’re a ‘competitor’ of yours, view them instead as a collaborator.

Make sure they make enough content that you get a glimpse into their work and life (that will be important later).

Does their life/business look similar to the ideal life/business you defined above?

Third, Answer three important questions about the person.

Once you find that person, you need to answer three simple questions: (I got these questions from Brad Lea so I want to give him credit for this process)

What are this person’s mindsets?

What are this person’s skillsets?

What are this person’s habits?

Mindset - What do they believe (about the world, about life/business) that’s different than me?

Skillset - What do they know how to do that I need to learn?

Habits - What are they actually doing that I need to do as well?

Four or five years ago, I was stuck in a 9-5, I found someone living the type of life I wanted. And I asked myself, What does this person believe about themselves and about the world? What does this person know that I don’t know? What does this person do that I’m not currently doing?

That sent me down a path of studying their mindset, skillset and habits and applying my findings to my situation.

If you answer those three questions after you defined the life you want and found someone who’s actually living it, you’ll be well on your way to having the life you want.

Have you defined the life you want? Have you found someone who is modeling it for you?


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#1 Get on the Waitlist for my upcoming course, Six-Figure Online Business Fastlane, a complete, end-to-end system to equip you to start and grow an online business that makes life-changing passive income.

#2 Jumpstart your business on the best all-in-one online business platform there is: Kajabi. Get it free for 30 days with my link plus exclusive bonuses from me. Find out more:

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